
1 can (225g) young corn, use whole
1 small can (198g) button mushroom
300g shrimps, peel

grind to a fine paste:
6 shallots
3 candlenuts
1 pc (1cm) fresh turmeric
3 red chillies

4 tbsp oil
230g grated coconut, add 1½ cups water and extract equal amount of milk
salt to taste
20 birds-eye chilli


  • Heat oil, fry ground ingredients till fragrant. Add corn and mushroom, stir for a minute, then add coconut milk and salt and bring to the boil. Add birds-eye chilli, leave to boil for a little longer then add shrimps and continue to boil, stirring all the time, for another 10 minutes.
  • Optional: Add 2-3 sardines (from a can) at the end, heat through and serve.